Unlike so many film franchises with ultra-loyal followings, the "Twilight" series has roped in a new director for each successive installment. After Catherine Hardwicke steered the first flick to over $380 million in worldwide ticket sales, Chris Weitz took over for "New Moon," which is already getting plaudits for its impressive CGI-enhanced action. "Eclipse," meanwhile, will soon be wrapping principle photography in Vancouver under the watchful eye of director David Slade.
All of which raises a compelling question: Who will be tapped to helm "Breaking Dawn," the expected adaptation of the fourth and final of Stephenie Meyer's vampire book series? According to Weitz, it just might turn out to be him, as he hinted in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
"No official offer has been made," the director said when asked about directing "Breaking Dawn." "The fans have been enthusiastic about the ['New Moon'] footage and the trailer, and the studio responds to that by feeling good about me. We'll have to see how people feel about the entire movie, not only the studio but the fans, before the verdict is out whether I direct # 4."
If Weitz does return for "Breaking Dawn," one actor he won't be working with is Rachelle Lefevre, who was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard as the vampire Victoria for "Eclipse." "I don't know much more than everybody else as to why [Lefevre's dismissal] went down," he said. "I think it was a scheduling conflict. I feel very badly for Rachelle, while at the same time think that Bryce Howard is a terrific actress. She'll do a terrific job."
Helping Weitz himself do a terrific job was Meyer, who maintained a close creative partnership with the director. "We've had a real good collaboration," he said. "It would normally be me e-mailing her and running things by her when I felt I was on the edge of getting a detail wrong, everything from the powers of a given vampire to the look of a particular scene or what she imaged a location looked like. And sometimes, when I felt that I was creating something new within the framework she had set up, making sure she was aware of it and that it didn't make her sick."